
提问者 新航道留学问答
2020-07-29 17:03 悬赏 0财富值 阅读 1656回答 3

1·幸运的是,消防队员们及时赶到,扑灭了大火.2·那位乞丐的右眼瞎了3·“你要跟我一块去码?”“非常愿意!”4·我的见解和凯特的差不多。5·你应该去修一修你的自行车了。5句翻译~... 1·幸运的是,消防队员们及时赶到,扑灭了大火.2·那位乞丐的右眼瞎了3·“你要跟我一块去码?”“非常愿意!”4·我的见解和凯特的差不多。5·你应该去修一修你的自行车了。5句翻译~~~~~~~~~~每一句都有不会的。。。。。。。好失败。。。。。。。。。。。

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1楼 · 2020-07-29 17:58.采纳回答

1.Fortunately, the firefighters were rushed to put out the fire.
2.The begger blinded with his right eye.
3."Would you like go with me?""I'd love to!"
4.My opinion nearly like kite's
5.You should repair your bicycle.

3楼-- · 2020-07-29 17:45

1.Fortunately 1¡, fire fighters put fire in time .

2.The right eye of that beggar of is blind (broken).

3.Would you like to go with me? I'd love to

4 My opinion is similar to Kate.

5 You should go to build your bicycle .